CRank: 5Score: 7030

Is like this game getting a 10.5. Reviewers usually salivate with hate ready to pounce on games like this just for the fun of it. In fact I remember the first games reviews being borderline racist with ignorance of the hip hop genre. Even IGN saying that 50 is 'Fiddy is famous for his music and for selling colored water to white people' is crazy suspect. At least they got the point that the game is just trying to be fun. I'm definately picking it up this week.

5585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Ascendant

Look if you want to compare environmental effects to going blind every time you turn your character, then knock yourself out

Look I'm not going to bash K2 for what it does. You would have to be a blind fanboy to not compliment K2 as a graphical monster. And you are absolutely right, seeing is not the same as playing. But after seeing WHAT you will be playing, I just saved $560 dollars. PS3 fans have been bashing the hell out of Gears 2 and Halo 3 for ...

5585d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

If you have a PS3 USE protection when playing games. You can also use gaming abstinence. That would mean, not playing your PS3 at all. Which is probably not an option. Also, note that Xbox 360 and Wii owneres who share gamepads with PS3 owners risk contracting the disease.

5585d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

A glimmer of light is still a glimmer of light. I salute Microsoft's continued efforts to try to crack the Japanese gaming riddle. It's good news to see this exclusive make a difference over there. It's a given that Wii and PS3 are both doing well in their own country. But, for a western gaming company to break any ground is nothing short of a miracle. Can't wait to pick up Star Ocean 4 this week!

5586d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

After watching the walkthough of EXCESSIVEMOTIONBLURZONE 2 (kidding..but true) it is clear that this is really one beautiful game. But this game does NOTHING to take away from Gears 1 or 2's graphical feast. Killzone 2 is like a gorgeous woman who gets all dressed up to go out to dinner and ends up eating in a Burger King. Facts: She is still gorgeous..But she is still only eating fast food. Epic put their money where there mouth was and released two amazing game experiences in...

5586d ago 4 agree12 disagreeView comment

Too bad there are going to be a whole lot of people saying that Killzone 2 weaknesses are exact;y the same as depicted in both the Edge and this review. Can't wait till actual gamers play what we have witnessed on the K2 complete video walkthrough ( The comments are going to be interesting to say the least. Truth is in the eye of the beholder.

5586d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Been paying for Live since year one. Absolutely love it! No matter how many PS3 Fan Blogs try to go after the one clear advantage Xbox has this generation, It won't change a thing. Either pay the money or don't Bottomline: If the MILLIONS of people who log hours on Xbox live didn't truly enjoy the experience, then they wouldnt pay for it. You'd hear thousands of complaints and Microsoft would be forced to go free. CNET just did that PS3 vs. Xbox 360 the other day and they said XBox Lives wins...

5586d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember playing and thinking the first game had amazing graphics back then. But Capcom should be praised because this looks stunning. Four player 3rd person co-op with tohse graphics? Wow! Four people over live sharing one Mech to battle on of the Arachnids? Talking about bringing fresh new ideas to the table. Go Capcom!

5586d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

'Wow! there actually going to make another one' - The masses after playing K2 for the first time. I'm joking, but believe me somebody WILL be thinking it.

5588d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow! Amazing analysis of what is about to be revealed on Feb 27th. The thing is I wanted to believe the hype too. I was ready to buy a PS3 if it made me feel like I felt when the original Halo came out. But, what I saw was not the case. Im a little 75% into it now, due to actually playing F.E.A.R. 2, but damn even that game is more intense than Killzone. But even a walkthrough can't how amazing multiplayer can be for any game. So maybe just maybe there is hope for Ps3 fans yet

5588d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

LMAO @ the scary Killa calling me a muppet. You are dead right the Wii is destroying all competion. I have a Wii too. But guess what they have a the Senior Citizens homes? A Wii. It is a product that everybody can get. I use it for party games. In fact Boom Blox and Carnival games are a blast. But the Box is the system of choice fellow 'Muppet'.

Edit @ Maverick

That's like saying you won't go to catholic churches because you get molested by Pedo Priests if you d...

5588d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

All of the Hype..All of the unnecessary bashing of Halo & Gears, and after I watching the playthrough of Killzone 2 (Veteran setting) on; I honestly hope the rumble of the controller helps the experience. I honestly hope that Mulit-player is just somehow incredible. Becuase if not, all of those sites, that gave this game a 100 need to bow down to Unless they are rating it on graphics alone, becuase it is a graphical feast and that is a good thing. But as for the r...

5588d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

LOl..if pirated games is your thing then you at least got the PC. I only know a couple of people with pirated systems and they still own two Xbox 360's to ensure they can play on Xbox live. I would never risk my Gamertag just to copy free games. I got way to many achievement points invested into it. Look, I'm a gamer at the end of the day. I played both GOW's on PS2 like everyone else. But just like GTA 4, it's still that particuliar games experience. And it's won't be here for at least a yea...

5588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Salutes free3sixty for destroying that silly comment above. Here's a bubble up, but it won't matter because if you say anything positive about the Xbox 360 on they limit your bubbles.

17 million satisfied customers x $49 dollars a year = Priceless!

5588d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Let me school you on what a 'flop' is. It came from the hip hop forums..when we talked about hyped up anticipated albums that sold like sh1t on soundscan when they dropped. Similiar to people hyping a game and it the people don't even buy it. If you honestly think Halo Wars is going to flop then you need to walk over to your nearest Gamestop on the day it drops. I'm buying Star Ocean 4, because I'm looking forward to another great RPG experience. I could care less about Metacritc when I want...

5588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

xbots play games, although im still trying to understand how Cnet's Xbox 360 vs. PS3 = XBOX 360 wins = ownage! Try to consider the fact that Halo Wars and Star Ocean pale in comparison to Killzone 2. Your saying what CNET says is worth more than 75 different reviews? Unless Microsoft does something drastic like another price cut or free online play, THEY ARE SCREWED. In 08' PS3 sold 10.78 units and 360 sold 10.8, and looking at the fact that 360 is the cheaper console with the bigger fan base...

5588d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I knew this would happen..not even close to being done with FEAR 2

Star Ocean 4 and Halo Wars are going to consume my life

And for my straight mindless fun diversion I'm definately getting 50 Cent: Blood in the Sand

5588d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

If PS3 had won..this thing would have 890 Degress with only 4 comments. But of course since it's the other way around, it's not even close to the top 3 with wayyy more comments than at least 2 of them, Conspiracy?

5589d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

1. You absolutely loved the title and want to extend the experience. In the case of FPS titles, you have played and mastered every multiplayer maps, game types, weapons, etc.

2. It's your money and it's your choice. There is no one forcing you to make this decision

3. DLC like GTA's 'Lost and the Damned', pushed the boundaries on what DLC could be. 'Lost' is as big as some games on the market making it an amazing value, while clearly enhancing the original games...

5589d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who said Fear 2 was an exclusive? It's in MY Elite right now...which is ALL I care about. Like I said earlier life is good right now for Xbox gamers. We have a Fear 2, new RPG (which HUGE fans like yourself can only play on Xbox), Halo Wars, and an official GTA spin-off that's as big as most games on your list. The point is we are playing these now, while all you guys can keep talking about are game that won't be out for at least 8 months to a year. Please Wake me up when that happens.

5589d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment